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New Moon Feng Shui 2025


1.  Focus on decluttering for 9 New Moon cycles


2. Cleansing + clearing your home's chakras or energy centers

3.  Access to the private New Moon Feng Shui Facebook Group where live activations are offered each month to inspire + guide you  

4.  Monthly email reminders

Akashic Records Healing for Great Wealth
Regular price $88 - purchase today for $44


Intention: To release and clear memory, residue, energy, connection, karmic vows + agreements made to avoid feelings of guilt for wanting or having great wealth, for any reason, anywhere at anytime past, present and future.



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It’s the first time I’ve experienced feng shui as an art and not a hard science.


I really appreciate how you use the framework of feng shui in a very intuitive way and I can honestly say that you lead with, from, and for, your heart.  


That’s big.


You bring an extraordinary amount of joy into your practice.

Aase Lium
Your order summary
New Moon Feng Shui 2025


1.  Focus on decluttering for 9 New Moon cycles


2. Cleansing + clearing your home's chakras or energy centers

3.  Access to the private New Moon Feng Shui Facebook Group where live activations are offered each month to inspire + guide you  

4.  Monthly email reminders

Akashic Records Healing for Great Wealth
Regular price $88 - purchase today for $44


Intention: To release and clear memory, residue, energy, connection, karmic vows + agreements made to avoid feelings of guilt for wanting or having great wealth, for any reason, anywhere at anytime past, present and future.



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